I LOVE getting results back from pasture tests. We make a lot of generalisations about "grass" when it comes to feeding horses - good grass, bad grass, morning is better, natives are better, spring grass is sugary etc etc. But these assumptions are made based on research that was almost invariably NOT done in your paddocks, and probably not even in our hemisphere...
Many people will say "oh but grass testing is a waste of time because the nutrients change all the time" - yes, particularly the sugars are known to vary over the day, but even with that in mind, wouldn't you rather know something than nothing? Once you start taking semi regular samples (noting the time of day, conditions etc - taking a photo is an easy way to track that), you will start to understand a bit more about how your own pasture ranges in nutrients, and can make better nutritional and land management decisions based on this.
So - here's a video explaining how to take a good grass sample, and I'll be follow that up with how to properly dry your sample before sending it to the lab. As always, please feel free to ask questions or discuss!